Sunday, November 24, 2019

11/24/19...Went to church, Vikki and family came over, Roy and Marie came over, Went to Hailey's Concert, Went to Thanksgiving Dinner to honor Veterans in Frankenmuth

Marie, Isaac, Peyton, Roy and Rody
Hailey 5th one over
Hailey 3rd one over in this view
Debbie, Fred, and Bill
Matthew, Diedrich, Debbie, Fred, Lourdes, me and Bill

Matthew, Debbie, Fred, Bill, me and Lourdes
Bill being interviewed by Channel 12 for the news at 11

Went to prayer group and had to lead it today because Phyllis was gone.  Great worship today!  Emily sang Waymaker which is such a great song.  Pastor gave a good message.  After church, Vikki, Rody, Peyton and Isaac came over.  Shortly after Marie and Roy came.  We all had Thanksgiving Dinner leftovers.  Bill had to go to Birch Run to pick up a thing he got for his trailer.  He got back just in time to tell everyone goodbye.  We went to Hailey Band Concert right after they left.  She played great and the symphonic band was amazing.  We left there and went to the Farmer's Market in Frankenmuth for a Veterans Thanksgiving Meal free to veterans.  Mine cost $5.
Fred and Lourdes came.  They saw Bill's post about and want to join us which was so nice.  Matthew came shortly after we got there and sat with us.  We had so much fun at our table.  The food was all homemade and delicious. Diedrich Bronner and his group prepared it.  He was very nice and really honored the veterans.  Debbie worked and served, but came to our table several times to talk with us.  She did a great job.  She had channel 12 come interview Bill.  We went to Don's to drop off a receipt for a turkey dinner and also gift cards our care group went in on for him and Mary.  Came home, did my blog and watched the news.

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