Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wed., 11/20/19...Went to Kimmys, Went to Jack's Basketball game with Melissa

Nice picture of Wyatt...what a good doggie he is

Adam, Jacob and Eli...I sure was happy to see these wonderful boys
                                                                      Me and Wyatt
Me and Wyatt and the apples Kimmy and I peeled, cut and bagged
Eli showing me his research on the presidents.  It was very interesting.

My Hailey Girl!  It was an added blessing to see her and spend some time together! Love this girl!

Jack #2 in black in the center!  He sure was moving fast!  Love this sweet boy!
Melissa called and her power was off.  Bruce was at work and his plant was shut down.  He was very busy and had to stay late.  I told Melissa,  her dad would pick up the boys from school, and I would pick up Jack and her for Jack's game in Bay City.  I ran her my two phone chargers because she didn't have power to plug hers in.  Went to Kimmy's after I left her house.  Her house looks absolutely amazing, and her new Lazy Boys are all so comfortable.  We had fun drinking coffee and visiting.  I asked her if we could do some of her apples and try her spiralizer that attaches to her Kitchen Aid Mixer.  I had used mine at home for my apples. Because of that, she said yes.  We had so much fun and it sure is easy using that attachment.  There were some happy chickens when the apple peels got thrown on the garden.  We got almost 3/4 of a bushel of apples done and bagged.  She wanted to save some for Jared and the boys to see how easy the attachment was.  We went and picked the boys up from school after that.  They are sure handsome and polite boys.  I got my hugs and made sure I got a picture.  Eli showed me his Presidents slide show he did for school.  He sure did a nice job on it.  He read it to me too and is a great reader.  After that, I had to leave so I could make it to pick Jack up for his basketball game at 4:30.  When I got 5 miles from home, Hailey called me and asked if I could pick her up from school.  I told her yes, but sure was wondering if I would make it to pick Jack up at 4:30.  I made all the lights, picked Hailey up, made all the lights again and we got to their house right at 4:30.  Hailey got out and Jack and Melissa got in.  We made it to the school in plenty of time.  The game was close, but the other team won by 1 point.  Jack played great.  When he was done, I was going to get him a snack from the concession stand.  All that was left was 2 hotdogs and 6 bags of popcorn.  I went to the counter and the lady told me to just take the two hotdogs and a popcorn for free.  They were just going to throw them out.  Jack was very happy and ate both hotdogs and the popcorn on the way home.  Bill was at the Marine Corp. League Meeting, and got home shortly after I did.  We watched the news and went to bed.

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