Saturday, February 8, 2020

Sat., 2/8/2020, Went to Isaac's game, went to Tim Horton's, Got Lazy Boy, Went to Vikki's

Isaac made this great shot

Isaac bringing the ball down

Isaac with the ball
Isaac in the center

Very happy Kody is feeling better

New Lazyboy comfy

Jack making a jumpsuit at his game

Jack in the back going after the ball

Jack's head in front of 14

We went to Isaac's game.  He really movies fast now!  Loved watching him play.  After his game, we went over to see Mike P., and his sisters, Ann and Susie.  We also saw Matt, Lupe and Nick.
Vikki, Rody, and the kids met us at Tim Horton's after Isaac's game.  We had fun figuring how to move a bottle of water off from a dollar bill.  Vikki did it before Bill showed her the right way.  The kids each did it than and got a dollar!  We gave a lady next to our table and her daughter a couple Starbuck gift cards.  Her daughter had down syndrome and sure made me think of Kenny.  She was such a loving girl.  I called Melissa and found out she was at Jack's game.  I didn't know he had a game, so I told her to send me a schedule.  I saw pictures later and read comments!  Jack did great and got a couple of 3 pointers although for C teams they don't count 3 points.  Jack was pretty excited though and found his spot.  What a confidence builder.  Can't wait to watch him play.
Bill and I went to Godwin's and found a recliner we really liked.  We brought some material samples home to make sure it would match.  It did, so we went back and got it.  It is a Kipling and is so comfy.  We came home and had round steak and Mashed potatoes for dinner.  Relaxed after that and read some.

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