Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tues., 2/11/2020...Went to breakfast, Got early Birthday present, Kimmy came to Saginaw, Had Small Group

Isaac and Peyton watching Papa showing them something on his phone
Three cuties
Early Birthday Present....Ninja Air Fryer, Air Roaster, Air Broiler, Bake, Dehydrate, Keep warm,
Make up to 9 slices of toast at once, and a Bagel Toaster all in one!  Thank you sweetie Bill!
It folds up when not in use for extra counter space which I love
Daisy had her lamb....cutest lamb I have ever seen!

We went to breakfast.  Kenny, Charlie, Wes, Gayla, Phyllis, Dennis, Bill and I were all there.  We had a good devotion and prayer time.  Came home and did Bible reading, worshipped and prayed.  
Talked to Melissa for a long time and prayed with her.  Bill found a treadmill he wants to get.  Not one that I would pick, but he really wants it.  Kimmy called and was passing through Freeland on her way to the dentist.  She stopped and dropped of my Ninja early birthday present from Bill.  It is so nice!  Now I have to learn how to use it.  Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, Bill and I met Kimmy at Tim Horton's after Kimmy was done at the dentist.  We had a nice time and a nice visit.  Kimmy and Vikki went to Best Buy, but I decided I had better come home and get ready for Small Group.  Picked the worship songs and did some last minute cleaning, then got everything ready.  Bill set up the chairs and tv trays.  We had a good study and time flew by quickly.  Bill was expecting the guys to come deliver the treadmill, but they didn't come until 10 p.m.  They got it in the basement and found out it needs a different plug, which Bill said he will be putting in tomorrow.  He is also putting in a plug for me in the kitchen for my coffee pot, since I had to movie it.  The treadmill is super big (commercial) and doesn't fold up.  Guess I am just happy that Bill will be exercising again.  I will be using it too.

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