Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday, 2/18/2020, Melissa and Kimmy's kids had a snow day, Holley's funeral, Went to Melissa's

They handed out little pictures of Holley for everyone to wear today
Evan, Jack and Max
Abby and Hailey

I got up early so I would have plenty of time to drive on snowy roads to pick up Max, Jack, Evan and Hailey for school.  While I was getting ready, I saw that their school and Kimmy's boys school were closed.  Vikki called and said she could pick them up and take them to school, but I told her their school was cancelled. Poor Vikki, her kids school didn't cancel.  Bill and I went to Holley's funeral.  There were so many boards full of pictures of Holley and a precious video was playing.  Greg and Bill both did parts of the funeral and did such a good job.  Even though it was sad, the message made everyone feel better.  After Bill's gave the message, he had people pray the salvation prayer with him.  I love how he is so obedient to the Lord.  He presented her 5 yr. old brother with a Action Bible and read what I wrote inside which I didn't expect him to do.  I had hid money in the pages and thought he would find it as he read, but Bill told him he might find some money in it so he looked and found that right away.  He never put that Bible down the rest of the time.  It was precious!  We were in the funeral home an hour and a half, and when I came out my car was running.  (Bill had told me before I went in that my back window was down, so I started the car back up and put the window up.  I forgot to lock the car, or I would have know it wasn't off.  The car is so quiet you can't tell it's running when it's running off the battery.  Well, it was pretty warm in the car, because the heater was on high.  I was wondering if I should get gas before I went because it said I could go 102 miles.  When I got to the funeral home it said I could go 92 miles.  When I came out it still said I could go 92 miles.  Amazing after an hour and a half.  I still had 3 fuel marks.  I drove myself because I had to go to Melissa's afterward, and I thought Bill would probably have to stay longer than me.  The funeral procession went from 10 mph to 25 mph all the way from Midland to Edenville.  It took forever to get there.  I called Bill and told him I was only going to drop the flag on the car off and wasn't going to be able to stay for the committal, because I would have to leave in the middle of it.  I headed home and picked up donuts on my way to Melissa's.  I was so happy to see the kids and they were happy to see me and came running to give me hugs.  Even Hailey came and gave me a nice hug.  They were happy to have donuts too!  I got gas on my way home and still had 42 miles I could go before I got it.   
I got home and Melissa called me to let me know how her dr. appt. went.  She said it went well and told me about it.  We ate spaghetti that we brought home from the Olive Garden and then watched a movie.  

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