Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wed., 2/26/2020...Walked, Melissa had therapy, Made another yummy meal in air roaster

Chicken, potatoes, carrots, green peppers in teriyaki sauce air roasting

Bill eating

It turned out delicious...nice and browned and tender

It was snowy and slippery out this morning.  Bill and Charlie went to Caro to pick up baked goods from a friend's church.  An Amish lady bakes stuff to sell.  They called and were told it was still ok to come, but when they got there no one was there.  He called the person again, but didn't get any explanation.  Caro got lots more snow than we did...would have been nice if they would have gotten a call to turn around because no one would be there.  I took Melissa to therapy.  My car almost slid into Midland Rd when it wouldn't stop.  Thank you Lord it did stop in time.  I came home and walked 2 1/4 miles.  Bill got home safely.  We pulled our refrigerator out and cleaned behind it and under it.  Read my Bible and did my devotion.  Made a new recipe in the air roaster.
I used my chopper and cut up carrots, potatoes, then put cut up chicken and green peppers in it and stirred in Teriyaki sauce in it.  Put it in the air roaster for 30 minutes and it all came out browned and delicious.  Cleanup is so quick.  We both read on our books in the evening.

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