Tuesday, December 1, 2015


We were in uncomfortable chairs in a waiting room until we heard Bill was out of surgery and we could see hime in 2 hours.  After that we went to a waiting room we had walked by and Charlie had seen lounge chairs in.  We had no idea they were chairs that gave a leg, back, etch massage.  How comfy and nice.  In one hour, Bill's nurse rolled him by.  He noticed us in the room and looked at us and smiled.  The nurse said we could go to his room in 5  minutes and visit him.  We were happy, but sure hated to leave our chairs.

Bill looked great when we got to his room.  He was looking at a menu.  On our way there,  Charlie went in a room he thought was Bill's.  I followed him and he pulled the curtain back and there was a strange man with hardly anything on.  Needless to say, he was shocked and so were we.  How embarrassing.  We went down a few more doors and saw Bill.  Sure am thanking God for His hand upon Bill and bringing him through the surgery so amazingly.  Thanking Him for everyone's prayers too.  We are so blessed with family and friends who pray.

Sent this picture to Bill of my warm brownie and ice cream I had at care group.  Emily had made them and they were delicious.  Wanted to show him what he was missing, but he was having lots of ice cream with his meals.

Took a picture of our care group to send him too!  Great care group with almost everyone sharing.  Dennis did a great job leading it.

Christmas Decorations are up!

Bill made this beautiful stable for our nativity.  I hung the star today and took this picture as Bill wanted to see it.  Can't wait to go to bed and catch up on my sleep.  Can sleep in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

Dad looks amazing! I'm glad prayers were answered! You should add the pic of him walking, I love his big smile in it