Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12/8/15 Bill came home today! Thanking the Lord!

Went to breakfast today.  Had scrambled eggs, yummy american fries and rye toast.  Haven't been able to be there for a couple of weeks so it was nice seeing everyone.  After breakfast I went to see Bill.  He had a dental appt. in the VA Hospital so I went with him.  He has to have a couple of things in his mouth removed and tested for cancer.  Has to go to Detroit again for this.  Praying no cancer.  He was getting tired so I came home to get things ready for care group and waited for him to call.  He called me and I went back.  He was in an appt. with a Urologist so it took a while for him to come where I was waiting.  I was in a chair by the elevators.  Lots of people went by and said hi and then a guy came and sat on the bench across from me. The two elevators were between us.  He started talking about how everyone there was so nice.  His sister was in.  Talked about how many kids today don't know anything about respect.  Told me he loved reading and got one of the free books that people donate there.  I asked if he ever read the Bible.  He said he does now and then.  Told him about how Jesus is the only way to heaven and he repeated it and agreed.  God had just put on my heart that I needed to put some tracts in my purse which I had just done in the morning.  After about 15 minutes, he said he had to go and he got on the elevator.  I was able to give him a tract and he seemed very happy to get it.  Praying for him now.  Bill had many opportunities to witness while he was in and has a good testimony he shared at care group.  Bill finally came and as he was checking back in at the desk, I saw Pastor Bob Schultz sitting in the room by the desk.  We went in and talked to him.  He had been waiting for Bill to get back too.  I went to get the car and he helped Bill carry his things.  I was going to pull up to the door, but Bill is doing so great that I looked up and he had walked to my car in the parking lot.  We got home, he rested, then we ate chili.  Had a good care group  and amazing worship.  Sam was concerned about the strike at Nexteer and we prayed.  Before care group  was over the strike was over and people were back to work.  Praise God.  We had many testimonies of answered prayer.


Vikkis Blog said...

I'm so glad he's home :) praying for those things in his mouth to be nothing serious!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Thanks Vikki, Love ya