Saturday, December 12, 2015

12/12/15 Baked and decorated Christmas cookies today.

Cookies are baked and ready to decorate
This is how Cole and Kenzie showed up to decorate Christmas cookies. Ha Ha  They looked really nice as they were going to go to Olive Garden, but this nana was worried they would get messy doing cookies.  Below is what they wore to decorate.

Cole and Kenzie did a good job decorating cookies.  Kenzie mentioned she notices she sticks her tongue out like grandma used to do while working on something.

Isaac playing in the mall.  I had just walked in and called him

Jack did a great job singing at Macy's for Salvation Army

Hailey, Jack and friends bell ringing and singing at Macy's.  They sounded great.

Isaac had fun playing in the Mall with Peyton and Evan

Isaac, Peyton and Evan in the boat

Isaac the Penguin

Peyton the Penguine

Evan the Penquine

Isaac and Nana at the Mall

Bruce led a great group of singers and bell ringers

Hailey did a great job and looked beautiful in her new glasses

Max with his bell

Started in the morning making 3 batches of Christmas cookies.  Kenzie and Cole came over to help decorate.  It was fun and they did great and were a huge help to me.  They were all dressed up when they came.  I told them they would get messy so Kenzie got something to put on and Cole took his sweater off.  We had fun and it didn't take long.  I told them they could eat round steak and mashed potatoes with us and save money on going out, but Kenzie had her little heart et on going to the Olive Garden.  Bill wasn't feeling too good so he didn't help.  He had offered earlier. We ate and he stayed home while I went to Macy's to see Bruce, Melissa, their kids and some friends from Bethlehem sing and ring their bells.  They sounded great. What a wonderful thing for them to do.  Saw Patricia Clark in the store and she wanted to go out and see Melissa so I took her out.  Then went inside and spent time with Vikki, Rody, Peyton, Isaac and Evan in the mall play area.  Left and went out to hear one more song before heading home.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

Well they sure are dressed up haha