Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/3/17....Went with Melissa and Vikki to Kimmy's. Had a nice time and yummy lunch. Checked on the sheep regularly but no babies today.

Norman relaxing

He decided to pose for me!!!
Melissa and Star

Me with Jacob's lamb....the first lamb of the year!

So cute
Jacob and his lamb
Hailey and their new guinea pig from Aunt Mimi and Family
Hailey, Abby and Jeffrey Peanut

Vikki came over and we waited for Melissa to get here so we could head to Kimmy's to spend the day.  We went there so she could keep an eye on the sheep and be there if a lamb was born.  We got to Kimmy's and were excited to see her new lamb.  It is so cute.  It's mommy is sure protective of her baby.  We had to watch her so she wouldn't butt us.  Glad she's such a good mom though.  Kimmy made egg salad sandwiches and salad for lunch.  She always makes it the best!
Nothing like farm fresh eggs.  We had fun visiting!  So nice to be close and spend time together each week.  Kimmy gave their guinea pig to Melissa to take home to the kids after Melissa got approval from Bruce.  Came home so the girls could go pick up the kids from school.  Melissa's kiddos all loved the hamster.  They named him Jeffrey Peanut instead of plain peanut.  Bill and I took dinner to Karen and Rob at 5:30.  We had a nice visit with them and then we came home and read our books.  I finished reading the Shack and Bill read Christian's Hope.

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