Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/5/17...SuperBowl Sunday....We went to church and then came home, got food ready and went to Kimmy's

Adam and Papa playing Monopoly

Adam, Jacob and Papa.  Papa's making his move in monopoly!

Adam, Jacob and Papa
Adam and Rody

Peyton and Isaac

Eli getting his pizza



Papa Bill, Eli and Adam

Momma sheep with her baby

Peyton, Adam, Isaac, Jacob and Eli playing with the blocks Papa made

The kids posing for me

Isaac and Star

Jacob and Star

Eli and Star

Vikki and Star

Peyton and Star

Fyrne and her new lamb, a big 16 pounder

Adam and Fyrne's lamb

Me and Jacob

Adam and me
Me and Isaac

Me and Peyton

Peyton with the dr. slippers on her pigtails

Star and her momma
We went to church.  Stacie and Kody were there.  Kody wanted to come in the church and sing and sit by us instead of going back to his class right away.  Vikki, Rody and the kids were there.  Isaac sure was worshipping the Lord.  He was dancing and lifting his hands.  So precious.  The message was so good today.  Melissa, Bruce and kids went to Bethlehem to church.  We got home, changed, I made the cheesy potatoes, wiener dogs, rolls, chicken and chicken wings.  Vikki, Rody and the kiddos came over and when everything was ready, they loaded it in the car.  We all headed to Kimmy's then.  We ate and had a very good time.  The game was a good one.  Atlanta was ahead until the 4th quarter and then the Patriots pulled ahead and won it.  Unbelievable!  It was sure fun to listen to Jared and Bill who were for opposite teams.  The commercials weren't very good this year.

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