Tuesday, November 21, 2017

11/21/17...Went Special Friend day at Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan's school, dropped off turkey and a cookie sheet at Melissa's, Went to Kenzie's, Went to movie with Charlie and Sue

Hailey playing her trumpet

Evan in Chapel

Hailey in the choir

Ben and Hailey.  Hailey got an award for being helpful in class, encouraging kids and being kind.  

Bill with Max...Bill was his special friend

Hailey in Chapel

Vikki and Hailey...Vikki was her special friend

Me and Evan in chapel...I was his special friend

Evan wearing his turkey crown we made together in his class
Hailey, Ally's Grandma, Ally, Mikayla and her dad
Jack and Nora

Jack and Nora doing a craft

Turkey Jack and Melissa made...Nora worked on cutting scraps

Love this picture of Evan and Melissa and the necklace he made her.

Isaac and Peyton

Bill and I went to Special Friend Day at Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan's school.  We went to chapel first.  There was a wonderful message on blessings and being thankful.  Hailey and Max played their instruments in the orchestra, Hailey sang in the choir and did a worship dance to It is Well with My Soul,  She did great.  Jack got an award for being a whiz in Math.  Hailey got one for being kind and caring and helpful.  Worship was great.  I went to Evan's classroom afterwards and we made a turkey crown and then had donut holes and juice.  Evan was so excited about the donuts.  
After that, I went to Max's class and gave him a hug.  Bill was in his class.  We walked and found Hailey's class and went in it.  I went and saw Hailey and then gave Ginny's mom a hug and talked to her.  Her husband has been in the hospital and rehab for months now and he's getting close to coming home.  We saw Melissa right before we left as she was coming into Hailey's room.  We came home and warmed up Thanksgiving leftovers.  I went to Melissa's after that to take her cookie sheet, Max's calendar from Sue and the dark meat turkey for Bruce.  Went to Kenzie's after that and took her to the bank to cash a couple of checks.  We went to the Secret Garden Store then and walked around.  It is such a neat shop with lots of nice things.  We went to a store Kenzie wanted to try, but didn't like it at all so left.  I took her home and came home to get Bill and we left right away to go to see "Wonder" at the movie theatre with Charlie and Sue.  It was a really good movie.  We got home and I went to take Mocha to Vikki's.  I stopped at Goodwill to get a cat condo/climber that Kenzie wanted.  I was happy to see the kids when I got to their house. Bill and I watched a Hallmark Movie and packed to go on our trip tomorrow.   

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