Friday, November 3, 2017

11/3/17....Thinking lots about my dad today and missing him so much. Can't believe it has been eight years. What an amazing dad he was. Went to Grandparents Day for Eli at school. Went to Kimmy's afterwards. Went to Dennis and Amy's for dinner

Still getting roses...have another bud coming too

Eli making his turkey.  He had to write things he is thankful for on the feathers and then cut them out.  He got it all together and glued it on the paper and colored it really nice.  He was thankful for God, his family, soccer, school, papa's punches, and food and water.

Nana, Eli and Papa on grandparent's day at his school.  His friend Brode's grandparents couldn't come so we had him sit with us.  He took this picture for us.

Silly Eli.  He showed me his shark and then showed me how he could stick it to his head.  He is one cute boy!

Bill playing Word's with Friends

Jacob, Adam, Eli, Nana and Papa.  The boys are holding their toys that have parts that pop out when you squeeze them.  We got them at Eli's school store today.

Dinner with Amy, Dennis, Dennis and Bill

Channel 5 interviewing Vikki

Missing my sweet dad today and thinking lots about him.  He was the most sweet, fun dad ever!
Walked three miles at Sports Zone and forgot my fit bit...bummer!  Came home and made some changes and additions to the newsletter for Faith Riders and sent it out.  Organized some things in the garage. After lunch, we went to Eli's school for Grandparent's Day.  Eli was really happy to see us and was so cute.  Sure love that sweetie.  He showed us his desk, how he uses his iPad, and then he made interviewed Papa and wrote his answers.  He made a cute turkey picture with what he is thankful for on the feathers too.  His friend came by us and did stuff with us too.  We met his teacher and talked to him for a while.  He was really nice  Afterward, we signed Eli out in his class and went to the school store and got some neat stuff.  We went to McDonalds and Eli wanted a happy meal instead of ice cream.  I got a burger and Bill had a Oreo McFlurry.  We went to Kimmy's afterwards.
It was so nice spending time with her and seeing the boys when they got home from school.  They are the sweetest boys.  Jacob got on his tiptoes so I had to look up at him and thought that was pretty funny.  It won't be long and I will be looking up to him.  Jared got home from work so it was nice seeing him too.  We had to leave at 5:45 to got to Amy and Dennis's for dinner.  Dennis Watkins was there too.  We had chicken chili, salad, rolls and pumpkin pie.  It was a yummy meal.  We had lots of fun playing cards.  I won so I went home happy.  Vikki got interview by Channel 5 for asking the tough questions.  Ocean Oddesy Pet Store had terrible conditions for the animals when Vikki and Melissa were there last night.  Vikki called channel 5 because it upset her so much that the animals were being taken care so badly.

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