Tuesday, June 12, 2018

6/12/18..Went to Sullivans for Breakfast, Came home and cleaned the garage with Bill and then washed my car. Went to Isaac and Peyton's picnic lunch at their school,Went to Melissa's, Met Vikki Eddy at Two Bell,



Peyton, Isaac and Papa at their school for their picnic lunch

Me, Peyton, Isaac and Papa

Me, Peyton, Isaac and Pape
Peyton and Isaac holding hands walking back from the playground.  They did this on their own.  Cute twins!

Peyton and Isaac in the water
Isaac and Peyton on the beach

Went to our breakfast at Sullivans.  Had a good devotion, prayer time and nice time visiting.  We came home afterward and cleaned the garage and washed my car.  We went to Isaac's room an his teacher told us she would get Peyton for us too so we could all go together to lunch.  That was so sweet, because it was set up for them to have different times for lunch.  When we walked into Isaac's room, he told us he ad been waiting for us.  He came and gave us a big hug and led us to Peyton's room to get her.  She was excited to see us too.  Such sweet kiddos.  We had fun with them and enjoyed our food:  hotdog, watermelon, carrots, celery, cucumbers, and ice cream with sprinkles.  Katie, Amy and their kiddos sat at our table.  Loved getting to see Amy's new baby girl.
After we were done eating, the kids wanted to leave instead of playing,  We signed them out with their teachers and left.  I was almost going by Hungry Howie's when I called Melissa and she told me she had been trying to call them and the phone had been busy for 20 minutes.  I told her I would stop and order what she wanted.  She told me what to order and I took the kids in and ordered.  We went to Melissa's and Peyton and Isaac wanted to go outside and play.  Jack was out with them and then came in.  He asked if someone would please open the door for him.  He had two cups of water in his hands and told us Peyton and Isaac were really thirsty so he was taking them water.  So sweet of him.  I ended up hiring him to watch Peyton and Isaac while I went and got the pizzas and then when I left to go meet Vikki Eddy.  I gave him a couple of dollars and he was so happy.  I went and met my friend Vikki at Taco Bell and we stayed there for a long time and just visited.  What a wonderful friend she is. Talked to Bill and he got a great report at the doctors.  All his numbers were good and his kidney test was good too.  I am praising and thanking God.  YAY!  Went to Haithco Park with Vikki and the twins. We ate sandwiches and chips and then relaxed in our hammocks.  The kids had fun swimming and playing together.  Came home and planted Hens and Chicks in m new planer.  It looks so nice.  Water all of my plants and our garden.   Glad that job is done.   What a wonderful day!

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