Thursday, June 14, 2018

6/14/18 Kimmy came over with the boys, Vikki, Peyton,Isaac, and Lucy came over, put the new tent up, hung out and then ate lunch, went to the park, went to Cabella's and Old Navy, came home and hung out some more.

Friendly visitor hanging around by our deck
Peyton and Isaac in the tent

Eli, Jacob and Adam in the tent

Cool Eli on my steps
Great day for hanging in hammocks.  Vikki, Kimmy and Jacob

Isaac, Eli, Peyton, and Adam playing in the sand

Eli and Peyton walking.  Hammocks are hanging in the trees in the background

Jacob, Isaac and Adam swimming
Peyton, Vikki, Kimmy's foot, me and Jacob
Eli and Peyton
Getting ready to leave our Faith Rider's meeting
Went and walked the rail trail.  Went two miles and then came home and made oatmeal and a coffee.  I was out eating them on the front porch on the swing and Kimmy and the boys came.  I sure am happy school is out so I can see them more.  We all worked on setting up my new tent.  They were such good helpers and tent went up really easy.  Kimmy and I walked around the yard and looked at my flowers and plants and also the garden.  The boys enjoyed telling Google to play different worship videos on the TV.  Kimmy and I enjoyed it too.  Vikki had to go to Walmart so go here awhile after.  She and the kids watched some worship videos with us too.  Lucy is so cute and is becoming much more well behaved and fun to be around.  She catches on so fast to stuff.  Smart doggie!  We all made sandwiches and then went to Haithco.  The kids had fun swimming and playing in the sand.  We enjoyed being in our hammocks and watched the kids from there.  They have life guards watching too so that is great.  We stayed there for a couple hours, and then went to Cabella's for Kimmy to get bunk cots.  They are so nice.  After that we went to Old Navy.  She took some shorts back and got shirts for Jacob and some flip-flops for $2.  I got 3 tops and a pair of flip flops.  I accidentally got the wrong size for one of the shirts so Vikki tried it on and liked and she bought it.  We dug up some tree starts (Sycamore) and some purple poppy plants for Kimmy to plant at her house.  They left and Bill and I got ready and went on the motorcycle to our Faith Rider's Meeting. There was a good turnout and the meeting went great.  We went with Wes and Gayla to Mooneys afterwards and they treated us to ice cream cones.  What great friends they are.  What a wonderful family I have.  I love my family!

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