Friday, June 1, 2018

6/1/18...Went to take Evan to his school's field trip at Kokomo's. Bill Went to Harbor Beach for a Marine Corp gathering. Bill and I went to Outback for dinner

Jack and his teacher riding the roller coaster
Evan driving the bumper boat for us

Evan waiting to ride the go cart
Evan in the Go Cart
A selfie of me and Evan in the go cart
Jack and Tasha waiting for the go cart ride
Evan playing putt putt golf

Jack with his pizza

Ally and Hailey...BFF's
Evan ready to play laser tag
Max having fun on the go carts

Ally, Evan and Hailey ready to play laser tag
Evan playing inside games

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Hailey walking with Evan and her friends to the roller coaste
Hailey and Evan getting in line to ride the roller coaster

Max's class before we left
Jack, Conner and friend on bumper boats

Evan and Jack in the car while we waited for Hailey and Max to get their book bags from school.

Max, me, Hailey, Evan and our red shirts!  Sure had fun with them today!  I love my family!
I went to the school to drive Evan to his field trip at Kokomos.  The whole school went, but the first graders had to have a family member with them for it.  We got there and Evan wanted to go on the bumper boats right away.  We were the first ones on.  I had no idea the boats had squirters on them.  I told Evan right away not to squirt anyone, but just open spaces.  Well it was a few minutes later when other kids were in the boats and all around us.  I didn't see any other adults.  The kids all started squirting.  I was getting wet and Evan was just turning us in circles.  I took over driving after that and at least got farther away from them.  It sure seemed like a long ride.  (I almost used my famous line.."Not everybody in the pool wants to get wet".  I said that once when a kid was shooting a super soaker in the pool at us and my wonderful daughters have never let me down). Next we went to the go carts.  I have never driven a go cart but Evan had to have me with him so I started driving.  We were going around at a nice pace and doing great until I felt someone behind us bump us.  Each go cart said no bumping on it so I yelled to quit it.  Another bump was felt so I turned around an it was Melissa's good friend, Ginny's son.  He was laughing thinking it was pretty funny.  I got away from him as quickly as I could.  This ride seemed like forever too, but Evan was sure loving it and kept telling me we were winning and I was a great driver.  He's so sweet.  We saw Ally and Hailey and I took their picture.  After that, we went in and he played laser tag.  7 minutes and 30 seconds of free time for me.  Yay!  I went and set my timer so I would be sure to be there to pick him up.  Then I gladly put some money on his card so he could play some inside games.  That was nice and relaxing and Evan loved it.  We went back outside and played putt putt.  That was fun.  Evan sure liked putting his ball in the water though.  We got pretty good at getting it out. We saw Max on the go carts while we were golfing, so I took a picture of him.  He was so happy and having so much fun.  We saw Jack afterwards, eating pizza.  We went in to get our lunch.  Hailey wanted to play laser tag with Evan after lunch.  They had fun together.  Then Hailey wanted to take Evan on the roller coaster.  She had been on it four times already.  I called Melissa and she said he could.  We walked there and they waited in line.  Just as it was about to be their turn, the school teachers told all the kids they had to come get ready to leave.  No ride on the roller coaster for Evan. Jack was on the bumper boats and we waited for him to get done. I got some nice pictures of him having lots of fun too.  Max was telling me about his day and how much fun he had.  He was so happy and excited.  After I signed them out, we went to the school to get Hailey and Max's book bags and then I took them for shakes and frappes.  We took a frappe home for Melissa.  It was a great day and many memories were made.
Bill had got caught in the rain in Harbor Beach and then got caught in awful traffic on his motorcycle on his way home.  He called me and told me he would be late.  He got home around 8 and we went to Outback for steak, baked potatoes and salads.  We had a fun time.

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