Saturday, October 27, 2018

10/27/18...Went to Messiah Lutheran Church for the Bazaar. Went to Golden Corral with Faith Riders, Played Euchre with Charlie and Sue, Watched Movies

Vikki and Misty by their beautiful display at the bazaar
Karl, Andrea and Allison
Luis, Eva and Don

Faith Riders at Golden Corral

Andrea, Allison,
Bill, Beverly, Jim Wes, Joel, Gayla, and Chuck

Got ready and went to the Bazaar at Messiah Lutheran.  Found Vikki and Misty's Booth. They did a great job setting up and making it look pretty.  Vikki walked around with me.  I treated us to cinnamon rolls.  They were big and were delicious.  Only $2.00.  We had them warm them in the microwave.  We saw lots of nice stuff and i picked up something for the girls for Christmas.  Came home and Bill wanted to go to Sam's Club.  We got some ink for our printer and some other things we needed.  Charlie and Sue picked us up at 2.  We thought Dawn's benefit was today because Andrea posted we should change our dinner today and go to the benefit instead.  We went to the benefit and found out it is next week. We went and walked through MacSoods to pass time and then we went to the Golden Corral.  There were 16 of us there.  The food was delicious and so much of it.  We had great fun and fellowship.  Nice that Joel could be there with us.  We came home and played Euchre with Charlie and Sue.  We lost all three games.  We are so good to our company. 
Watched a Hallmark Movie after they left.

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