Tuesday, October 30, 2018

10/29/18, Visited John, Picked up Jack, Max, Hailey and Meredith from school.

Went to visit John today.  We saw a worker taking flowers to patient's rooms.  He told her he would like pink ones.  He was so happy when she brought them.



Bill and I walked three miles at SportsZone.  Worked on going through boxes to throw out unneeded stuff.  Can’t wait till everything is organized and back in the attic.  Cooked another squash to put in the freezer.  Picked up Meredith, Jack and Evan.  Max is at Hartley.  We took Meredith home and then went to Valley to get Hailey.  We stopped at McDonalds and got a hot fudge sundae for Jack, a shake for Evan, a Caramel frappe for Hailey and mocha frappes for Melissa and me.  They were in a drink tray, so I said we would wait to have them until we got to their house.  Then I told them if they wanted them now they could have them.  Hailey started passing them back to the boys and all of a sudden the two in the tray fell over.  Poor Hailey had it all over her hands, her seat, her lunch bag down the side of the seat.  She was doing her best to wipe it up.  It was so crazy that we did have a good laugh.  When I got home, I shampooed the car.  It cleaned up really good.  Came home and made chicken, fried potatoes and beets.  Went through more attic stuff and Bill cleaned his file cabinet.  We watched a movie.

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