Saturday, October 6, 2018

10/6/18...Went to Cass City, Watched Justice Kavanaugh be sworn in, Listened to the the President's speech,

Sue at Nick's Country Oven

Max and Sue



Hailey and their team with their trophy.  They won second in the Gold.  Way to go!

Sue came over and we went and picked Max up and headed to Cass City.  We dropped Max off at his appointment.  Sue and I walked through the Hometown Pharmacy and then went to lunch at Nick's Country Oven.  I treated her for her birthday that I missed because I had so much going on.  We both had the Turkey Slim Jim Sandwich.  It is so delicious.  We went to the Mennonite Store after that.  We got some meat, desserts, etc.  I brought a cooler to keep stuff cold, so we loaded it up.  We got home and dropped Max off.  Went in because Sue wanted to meet Bruce's dad.  Happy to see the other kiddos too.  Dropped Sue of and got home and made eggs and toast for Bill and warmed up my Olive Garden Meatball Pizza leftover.  Bill and I were happy to see Justice Kavanaugh confirmed  What those evil people did to him and his family was horrible.  Guess the FBI proved they were lying.   Justice and truth for Mr. Kavanaugh.  Thank You Lord!  I loved the President's speech in Kansas and all he has done for our nation already.  AMAZING!

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