Wednesday, October 3, 2018

10/3/18...Walked at SportZone, Charlie and Sue came over, Went to Kimmy's, Picked up the boys and took them to McDonalds

Jacob, Adam, Ei and me




Jacob, Eli, Jared and Adam....We all sure had fun with this light up table at McDonalds

Nana had to get in on the fun

Adam, me, Jacob, and Eli

Bill and I walked 2 miles at SportsZone.  Charlie and Sue stopped in and brought us some Amish Banana Bread from Clare.  It was delicious.  We played Euchre.  I got a lone hand and made it the first hand.  That was fun.  Bill and I won a game, Charlie and Sue won a game and then the third game, Bill and I lost by only one point.  We made our company very happy though.  I went to Kimmy's and hung out until time to pick the boys up from school.  We went to McDonalds and Kimmy used two coupons and I used 4 coupons.  We saved lots of money.  We sure had a fun time. Adam and Eli had fun on the play land and all of us had fun with the light up table.  You could touch a light and it would change colors, or wave your arm over it and lots would change.  Jared came and had a Strawberry Shake.  He had fun with the boys playing with the table too. I was cold from drinking my Frappe so Jacob went out and got Kimmy's sweatshirt in the van for me.  Thoughtful boy for sure!  We went back to Kimmy's and looked at the fund raiser books Eli brought home.  I ordered three things.  Lots of nice stuff.  Wyatt was really happy to see me.  I had to wait until he calmed down before I could pet him, but it didn't take long and he was perfect.  I sure love that dog.  The boys all gave me hugs goodbye when I was leaving.  Jacob was so cute because he came and gave me two more hugs.  They sure are nice boys.  Melissa called me and Hailey and Max both have strep throat.  Poor kiddos.  I sure am praying for my sweeties.  Kimmy messaged me that she fixed my jacket zipper.  A big thank you to you Kimmy.  Is there anything you can't do. I love and appreciate you.  

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