Wednesday, December 16, 2015

12/16/15 West had his knee replacement done today

Wes as they were taking him to surgery for his knee replacement
Wes when he got back to his room after surgery.  They had him all bundled so he would stay warm.

Bill went to the Sportszone.  When I got up I got ready and when Bill got home we went up to the hospital to pray for Wes and wait with Gayla.  We ate lunch in the cafeteria.  The surgery went well and he did great.  Now let the competition between him and Bill begin.  They will both try to out do each other if Gayla an I are guessing right.  After Wes got back to his room at 3:15, we visited with him a short time and then we went to Covenant Harrison to visit our friend Bill married, Deb Schaefer.  She has cancer and needs a miracle.  We are believing with her for one.  She is so sweet.  Came home and ate and got ready for my kids class.  Chuck and Sue called and wanted to meet me at church to give me something they got us.  I met them there and it was 2 yummy huge cinnamon rolls.  They wanted to have me have them because they knew if they dropped them off to Bill he could eat mine.  Ha Ha   Boy do they know him.  Took cupcakes and tree shaped peanut buttercups.  Gigi got me a box candy and Sienna got me a cute bottle top magnet.  The kids earned their grooming awards.  When I got home Bill and I split one of the cinnamon rolls.  We will spit the other one tomorrow.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

I've been wondering why Wes had surgery. Wow him and dads surgerys sure are close!