Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1/3/17....feeling much better today, Went to our friend, Tony's funeral

Beautiful buttons Kimmy made me look wonderful on my towel holders

Love this brown button

Jacob's button he made for me

This is my towel with Jacob's button on it hanging on my refrigerator.  Love it and think of my sweetie Jacob whenever I look at it.  He did a great job!

Woke up feeling great.  Thanking God for good health today!  Did lots of crocheting today making my towel holders.  Love Kimmy's beautiful buttons on them.  Made me a towel holder with Jacob's beautiful button he made me for Christmas.  Love it!  Hung it on my refrigerator right away.  We went to Tony's funeral.  There were about 250 people there.  Afterward we went to the funeral dinner at Horizon's.  They had delicious food, Chicken, beef, goulash, and lots of other good stuff and delicious cake for dessert.  We sat with Sue and Chuck and the guys from the Sportszone who played cards 3 times a week with Tony.  Made two desserts when we got home and took them to Vikki and Kevin's to drop them off.  Visited for a few minutes with them and prayed with them.  Watched a movie when we got home.


Vikkis Blog said...

They are all so pretty! Love the buttons too, makes them even more special. I love mine!

Vikkis Blog said...

They are all so pretty! Love the buttons too, makes them even more special. I love mine!