Friday, June 15, 2018

6/15/18...Went to Melissa's, picked up her heart monitor and took it back to dr. Went to Old Navy, then back to Melissa's. Sprayed tent. Ordered stuff for remodeling of bathroom, started putting wood chips around the house.

Mulch that's done

Went yo Melissa's to pick up her heart monitor at 8:15.  Dropped it off at the doctor's.  I remembered Melissa had asked for copy of results to go to her neurologist so I asked about it and they gave me a form to take to Melissa.  Ran it to her house after I stopped at Old Navy.  They have some really comfy shirts on sale for $5, so I picked up a couple more.  Bill and I went and ordered all the stuff for our bathroom to be remodeled.  We also picked up mulch to put around our house.  We ate left over meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas when we got home.  Got quite bit of the mulch down around the house.


Lela said...

Pretty flower beds. I remember them well a few years ago. Gardening is such a pleasure for me seeing how God has helped us to make our world a wonderful, interesting place to live.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Yes, I agree with you completely. Gardening is a pleasure and I love seeing how God made our world so wonderful.