Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1/16/19...Yay, No school today so Kimmy and the boys came over again. Went to Vikki's.

Adam, Jacob, and Eli

Adam, Eli, Isaac, Peyton and Jacob

Adam and Lucy

Fern had her lamb.  Adam named him King because he has a light ring (crown)

Our deck was so icy yesterday and today.  It melted where the sun hit, but lots of ice still where shaded.  Adam and Eli had fun sliding on it.  I took a video, but can't post videos
Isaac and Peyton in their headbands Jared's mom made for them.  She also made really cute slippers for Vikki.  So sweet of her!

None of the grandkids had school today.  I didn't go to the SportsZone because it was so icy out.  I took the rest of the Christmas Decorations down.  Kimmy and the boys came over again!  I had just salted the sidewalk in the front and the driveway and opened the garage door because the sun wasn't shining on them.  I just finished when Kimmy and the boys pulled in.  I warned them right away that it was slippery.  The boys came in and Kimmy walked Wyatt outside.  She forgot the sidewalk on the side of the garage was slippery and slipped and fell.  I felt so bad for her.  So happy she didn't break anything.  Found out later in the evening, our friend Debbie Davis, fell on her porch and broke her wrist and shoulder.  
I sure was happy to get to spend the day with Kimmy, the boys and Wyatt again.  We played 3-13.  Bill was the big winner. Kimmy came in second.  Jacob and my scores were pretty close.  We had fun.  The boys ate pizza and Kimmy, Bill and I ate egg salad sandwiches.  We went to Vikki's for a while and visited with her.  We left in time for Kimmy to get home before dark.  She dropped me off and the boys got their stuff from my house.  Bill had a meeting for the Marine Corp. League in Flint.  I watched Planet Earth on Netflix.  God's creation is sure amazing.  Watched a Hallmark movie when Bill got home.

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