Saturday, January 26, 2019

1/2619....Had message from Melissa in the morning that Bruce had to take Jack to ER, Went to Vikki's, Went to Jack's game, Went to Rustic Inn with Faith Riders, Went too Wes and Gayla

Isaac, Travis and Peyton drawing pictures.  

Kenzie, Lucy and Lenny  Travis in the background

Travis and Lenny 

Bill and Isaac at Jack's game

Caleb and Jack

Daniel showing Isaac how to make rubber band bracelets

Jack with the ball at his game


Peyton and Rody

Bill, Jack and me after his game
Isaac's coach talking with him at his game

We had a great turn out at the Rustic Inn...Loraine, Mike, Dan, Renee, Diane, Don, Lupe, Matt, me, Bill, Greg and Don

I woke up and saw a message from Melissa that Bruce had to take Jack to the ER at 5 am.  I called her right away to tell her to call me for something like that no matter what time it is.  Jack was home and doing very well.  Melissa and Bruce were trying to decide if he should play basketball at his game or not today.  I went to Vikki's in the morning to see Kenzie and Travis.  Kenzie made me some bath bombs that smell amazing and bought me the DVD God's Not Dead 2.  That was so sweet of her.  Travis was doing art projects with the kids.  He is very talented.  I took Isaac to Jack's game.  Jack played great and didn't have any asthma problems.  Sure am thanking God for that.  Bill gave Isaac some pointers during Jack's game.  Gave Melissa a ride to Vikki's when I took Isaac Home.  Bill came over to Vikki's to see Kenzie too, and he worked on their electrical problem.  He got everything working except the 3 plugs in the living room.  She was happy that her garbage disposal and stove fan are working at least.  We came home and got ready and went to the Rustic Inn for dinner with Faith Riders.  We had a good turn out and lots of fun. Vikki cut Melissa's hair today and then went to Isaac's game and took Melissa.  Vikki let us know Isaac did great at his basketball game.  She sent a video of him making a basket from far away and throwing his hands up high after he did it.  It was so cute.   He did amazing!Afterward, we went to Wes and Gayla's.  We had peach cobbler with ice cream too.  We played Skip Bo. Joel helped Gayla and sure knows how to play it.  Gayla won both game.  We came home and watched a Hallmark movie.

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