Thursday, January 17, 2019

1/17/19....Took Melissa to therapy, Organized pictures and put them on a Kingston for Wes

I got up at 5:45 a.m..  I took my shower, did my hair, read my Bible and spent time worshipping the Lord and praying.  I even thought I was going to have time for a little nap before I went to take Melissa to therapy.  I was thinking she had therapy at 8:30 a.m., even though I looked and told Bill it was at 8 last night.  Melissa called at 8:01 and was kind of panicky sounding and said she had therapy at 8 and could I call them to let them know we would be late.  She had been talking to Vikki and for some reason she thought she had therapy at 8:30 too even though at 8:01 she realized it was at 8.  I called right away and told them it was my fault,  They asked me how late we would be and I told them 20-25 minutes.  They said she could come at 9 for P.T., but wouldn't be able to have O.T. today
I got dressed and headed right there and visited with Melissa while she finished getting ready.  God must have been protecting us from something where both of us got mixed up.  We got there and she had one of our favorite girls for therapy.  She tested her and Melissa passed all of her goals with flying colors.  She had to walk a long way with the quad cane, go up the stairs with the quad cane and then with just the one rail, had to get up without using her hands, and stand with her eyes closed without hanging on. Those are the ones I remember.  I was very impressed with how well Melissa did.  I haven't seen her in therapy for a while so really notice an improvement with everything.  I am thanking the Lord and continuing to pray for her.  So proud of how hard she works and how she continues to trust the Lord and give Him the glory.

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