Friday, June 18, 2021

Sat., June 19, 2021 Went to church breakfast/missionary event, went to Allison's graduation party, went to Okemus to meet Bev and Ron

Sandy, me and Hope at Allison's Graduation Party
Wes, Gayla, and Joel.  Bill in the background with Jim
This is going to be my kitty, Lily.  We stopped at Kenzie's.  She wasn't home.  Lily would come real close, but when I went to pet her she would run away.

We got up early and went to church to hear a young girl from our church who is a missionary tell about her ministry.  We ate bagels and fruit, then we did a prayer walk at different stations in the church which taught us about her country and what to pray for.  It was pretty amazing.  We left there and went to Allison's graduation.  They had an amazing breakfast buffet.  I ate light, because I knew were were going to a late lunch with Bev and Ron.  It was nice seeing lots of friends there and celebrating Allison, who we've known since she was a baby.  I got a call from Melissa to pray for Abby who was sick.  We prayed together.  She kept updating me during the day.  Abby was doing a little better.  We met Ron and Bev at Lucky's in Okemus and had a great visit, got lots of planning done for our State Rally, and had yummy food.  We got home and I hoed the garden, made burger patties for tomorrow.  Texted with Adam!


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