Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday, 9/17/21, Second day at rally, went to CMA State Rally and walked around. Nothing going on while we were ther, but we did get to see our friends Al and Lucy.

Bill, me, Bev and Jim
Bill taking a picture of where the service for the CMA rally will be held
Me, Bev, Jim, Lucy and Al
Lucy, Al, Bill and I
Jim and Bev in their CMA Booth by our campers
Hanging out waiting for Lucy and Al to come see us
Bill sharing his vision with Bev and Jim
Bill and I
Bill and I by the goodies store. It was closed

We ate scrambled eggs and pancakes outside at Tim Griffin’s Ministry.  Met an evangelist there who told us his testimony of how he was a wild kid with addictions and a pretty girl at school asked him If he wanted to go out for pizza.  He said yes and later found out it was at youth group at her church.  God used that to save Him and now he’s traveled to many different countries and shares the Gospel wherever he goes.  He is working at this ministry that is serving free food both natural and spiritual.  We went to Indiana’s State Rally and walked around.  There was a bunch of motorcycles pulling out when we got there.  We went in the dining hall an sat and visited. Bill shared his vision from God with Bev and Jim.  Saw Al and Lucy for a few minutes before we left.  

Came back and had meatloaf and mashed potatoes down under the tent.  Sat at our camper visiting outside.  Played 3-13 and beat Bill bad!

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