Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wed., 9/22//21, Rained most of day, I made chili for chili cookoff when camping, loaded stuff in camper when rain slowed down, did laundry

Chili all made for State Leadership Chili Cookoff
Lots of Chickadees coming to the bird feeder today
Lots of blossoms on my knockout rosebushes
Autumn Joy makes me joyful to look at.  Love the color!

Bill got up before me.  I put the electric blanket on the bed since there is a cool down coming.  Had the bed all made by the time Bill was done showering,  He was happy to hear the electric blanket was on the bed.  Did my morning reading.  I went out and brought some things we won't need for this camping trip in.  I also took some stuff we will need out.  I walked around and looked at some of my flowers and plants.  First day of fall, so have to enjoy them while they are still doing good.  Made chili for our camping trip.  They always have a chili cook off.  We will see how my award winning chili does there.  It won 3rd place, than the next year 1st place at the Harley Dealer chili cook off.  That's when I changed the name to award winning ha ha.  Talked to Vikki when she got out of work.  Had a nice chat with Melissa today too.  Jack and Evan started their horseback riding class.  They are pretty excited about it and I'm excited for them.  Texted with Adam which I always love doing.  They have a half day on Friday.  I sure wish we were going to be home so they could come over.  It has rained pretty much all day and got pretty windy there for a while.  Calmer now.  Bill and I got the camper ready to move and he backed it into position for us to just hook up and leave.  It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too, and we were afraid if he waited he would sink in the grass where so much rain is coming down.  Glad it is all set on the pavement now and ready for take off.  

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