Saturday, September 25, 2021

Sat., 9/25/21, pancakes and bacon for breakfast, motorcycle ride to Houghton Lake, campfire and devotion


Max volunteering 
Homecoming Court...Ali on the left
Beautiful Hailey and her homecoming date, Martin

Ally and Hailey
Breanna and Hailey


Selfie Ziggy took by our camper 
Nice hills on our ride
We did see some beautiful color but not a lot yet

The lake was beautiful today

Jeff, Ron and Bev

Panoramic of our chili cook off and campfire
Bill on the end next to my empty chair

Bill and I eating our chili

Isaac and Rody helping clean up a garage and yard on serve Saturday today with our church. Lots of work to be done at lots of places and 100 volunteers from our church doing it.  Wish we would have been home to help.

I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I forgot to turn the fan on and open the vent, so the smoke detector went off and was very loud. Good thing Ziggy is tall because Bill and I couldn’t reach it even when we stood on the stool.  After breakfast, we all relaxed on the recliners and read our Bibles.  We shared some of what we read.  We also shared our testimonies of how we were born again.  Six motorcycles were on the ride and eight of us on them.  It was in the 50’s but we all had lots of layers on and heated seats sure help.  It was a great ride with lots of hills and curves. It was so much fun!  We ate pizza at a restaurant in Houghton Lake.  When we got back to the campground, we relaxed and took short naps.  Dawn and Mike came up for the evening.  It was so nice having them sit around the campfire with all of us.  There was hot chili in crockpots to eat.  Gean shared a devotion out of Ephesians that was really good.  There were many answers to last night’s prayers we were thankful for.  Talked to Vikki a couple of times and also Melissa.  Hailey had homecoming and Vikki fixed her hair. She l looked beautiful.  Max did his first day of volunteering at the animal shelter. He loved it and is excited to go back.  Of course I texted with my Adam.

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