Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday, 10/21/21, went to the morning service.. Rode the Talimena Trail, up the Wilhelmina Mountain. Ate in a beautiful restaurant at the top.

Riding through Mena. Where the motorcycles on the right are is where we eat breakfast 
Matt, Ziggy, Bill, me, and Kim. This was from our ride yesterday.  Just got it 
Me and Bill
Lookout step on the way up
Restaurant we ate in at the top of the mountain 
Ziggy’s selfie of us

Ziggy and his new

John Ogden Sr.
John Ogden and his wife Holly
Rayleen and Roger Wilson,,they used to be our evangelists for our area.

Jerry Williams lead the worship again which was amazing.  The board directors of CMA search took turns telling about CMA and how they started coming and what it means to them now.  These are older men with wisdom from the Lord.  Love that CMA has men like this who keep the ministry focused on Jesus.  CMA has never borrowed money for anything, but God has provided so much.  One of the men had a mini stroke last Sunday, and we were surprised he made it there.  He reminded me so much of my dad in looks.  He shared about what God has done for him and asked for continued prayer, crying some of the time as he shared.  I was in tears.  After the service, we went on a motorcycle ride with Ziggy, Kim and Matt from Goshen, Indiana.  We went on the Talimena Trail up the Wilhelmina Mt.  Lots of hills and curves and beautiful scenery.  We got to pray with some people on their motorcycles and do bike blessings for their bikes.  They were so nice, and loved Jesus, but weren’t CMA members.  We ate lunch at the Queen Wilhelmina Restaurant at the top of the Mountain.  We rode down a different way and it was a little scary, but very fun.  We came back to our motel to relax for a while.  We went to the evening service and were blessed to have Roger Wilson give the message. 

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

im sure missing you guys