Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tues.,10/26/21, Bill had Rehab Evaluation, did yard work, went to Vikki's, went to Eli's concert

We've had lots of rain which means my plants are still doing good even though we were gone for 9 days

The yard isn't doing as good...too much rain for it.  My little garden is too wet to even go in with muck boots and weed.  Bill tried to mow the lawn, but too wet for that too as you can see.  He was able to do the front yard though.

Nice fall colors in my mirror on my way to Vikki's

Isaac playing the piano
Eli on the left in the front row. He did great!

Papa Bill, Eli and me

Bill got up early and went to the VA for a rehab evaluation and to have a blood test.  I had my coffee and oatmeal, then did my morning reading and played worship music.  I talked to Kimmy for a while and caught up with her.  I have sure missed her.  Bill called to let me know he forgot to take the garbage out.  I took it out for him.  There wasn't much, because we have been gone.  It was sunny and nice out, 50 degrees, so I cut down some plants and trimmed some small shrubs.  Filled two trash cans.  I got one out in time for it to be picked up.  The other will have to go next week.  Took the coffee pot I got out to the camper.  Put a couple of other things out there too.  Cleaned and washed the inside of the truck from our trip.  Vikki called and wanted me to come for potatoes and carrots left over from the roast meal she made.  She knows I love them.  There was some really pretty color on the way there.  I was happy to see Peyton and Isaac again.  Vikki has been getting compliments from their teacher and others about what nice kids they are and how well mannered.  I sure am proud of them.  I came home and made Bill a sirloin burger,  air roasted potatoes, and freezer corn from the garden.  We went to Eli's band concert.  He did great and looked so handsome.  It was our first time in the new auditorium and boy was it nice and the seats were so comfortable.  I talked to Melissa on the way home and then she called me back when I got home.  I sure have missed her.  I missed all my family and sure am happy to be able to spend time with them.

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