Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday, 10/24/22, Went to Melissa's, Blew leaves off the deck, put some things on deck away for winter, Vikki and the twins, and Kimmy and family came over, Made video for Mark's Wedding

Beautiful sunrise this morning looking out the kitchen window
Kit Kat loved her house and was in it lots today

Max sure can carry lots at a time
Peyton couldn't wait to rake leaves

Isaac either


Isaac hurried in the leaves

Peyton and Isaac had so much fun raking the leaves in a pile and jumping in them

Kit Kat was in her new house this morning.  She sure loves it!  We put her in it last night, but she would get right out.  I put her special blanket in it and now she knows it her place.  Thanks again Kimmy, Jared and Eli.

I did my Bible Study lesson and reading, then went to Sam's Club to pick up Nesquik for Bruce and Melissa.  I dropped it off at Melissa's and visited with her and Max for a while.  It was so nice out, that Melissa and I were hot in our sweatshirts.  Max was wearing his Raccoon shirt.  I dropped off pumpkin shaped cookies to decorate.  Max wanted to do it right then, but Melissa told him he had to wait til the other boys got home.  It sure was a fun visit.  Bill mowed and picked leaves up with the tractor.  I blew leaves off the deck.  Vikki came over and Isaac took over my job.  He did great too!  He and Peyton had so much fun playing outside, raking the leaves in a pile and then jumping in them.  After that, they played on the swings and had lots of fun too.  They were outside for a long time. 

Jacob texted me to let me know he made first chair in the CMU Honors Band.  What a great accomplishment.  I am so very proud of him.  He works hard and is gifted at playing his clarinet.  I love listening to him play.

Kimmy, Jared and the boys came over so we could make a video for my Nephew, Mark, for his wedding.  It took us many many tries, but finally we all got it right.  One would get it right, but another would mess up, so we were always starting over.   I had made nacho's and Kimmy brought rice, so we all ate.  Bill had an elders meeting, so we had to wait til he got home, to try some more til we got it how we liked it.  We were all so happy when it was done.   Vikki sent it to Mark and he liked it too.  Jacob, Adam, Kimmy, Jared, Vikki and I did get to play Skip Bo.  Jacob and Adam were the winners.  It was sure a fun game.

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