Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday, 10/8/23, Went to prayer, taught Sunday School/Bill went service, went to lunch with Diane and James. Melissa, Bruce and Max came over, went to Midland to buy tv stand cabinet with fireplace, stopped and got hot fudge sundaes

Melissa, Max and Bill
Flowers are beautiful still
Max came to practice target shooting with Bill
Bill loves teaching Max things about guns and Max is a quick learner
Ha Ha, Melissa and I came in and Bruce was holding both dogs, showing them through the window Max shooting
While Max was outside, Vader loved sitting by the fire.  He is a beautiful and amazing dog.
Vader and Badger

It was 39 degrees out and very windy, so I started the kernel burner up.   We went to church and Bill went to pray with the elders and Pastor.  I went to pray with the intercessors.  Afterward we went into the the church service and worshipped, then I went to teach Sunday School.  Peyton was my wonderful helper.  She always does such a great job and the kids love her.  It was a good lesson on "God Hears Us" with lots of fun activities to help explain the lesson.  We always have prayer time with the kids afterward.

We went out with Diane and James to Olive Garden after church.  We haven't been able to go to lunch together in a long time, so it sure was nice.  It's always quiet there and the food is always great.  

We came home and read our Bibles.  Melissa, Bruce and Max came over a short time later.  Max, Bruce and Bill went outside and did some target shooting.  It was so cold and windy out, Melissa and I stayed inside.  We had fun with Vader and Badger.  They were nice and cuddly today.  Max cut his finger and came in to wash it and get a bandage.  Then he wanted Melissa to try shooting the gun because Bruce got a new end put on it that is supposed to protect your shoulder good.  Melissa put the headphones on and was going to shoot, but when she watched Bill and Max, the gun still looked like it would hurt when it went against your shoulder.  We watched Max shoot a few times, then we came back in the house.  It was cute how Bruce was letting the dogs see Max out the window.  He is such a kind caring person.  They had to leave to get home before Peggy came, so Bill and I relaxed for a while.  I was going to listen to our church message, but my headphones needed to be charged.  I started working on my blog to pass time.  Kimmy called to say Jacob's pastor's message was posted.  Right after that Bill showed me a tv stand and cabinet with a fireplace that was for sale on FaceBook Marketplace.  We have been looking for one for a year now.  This one was the same color as our living room furniture and looked nice, so he called and they said we could come look at it.  It was in Midland, so we left and listened to Jacob's pastor's message on our way there and back.  It was a good compassionate message filled with truth from God's Word.  We both liked the cabinet so put some money down and will be picking it up tomorrow.  They came down to $175 so that is a great deal. Adam is going to help us since he doesn't have school tomorrow and we have to pick it up in the day time.  We stopped for hot fudge sundaes on the way home.  Vikki called and read me the kids grades.  They did amazing and got the best grades.  We finished our hot fudge sundaes at home while we listened to the rest of the message.  



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