Sorry for all of the Oriole pictures....today was the first time I’ve seen them at the feeders this year so I was pretty excited. One feeding on the jelly and another one above waiting for a turn |
Two eating at the same time |
One on the feeder and another one waiting in the tree |
I thought the Lily Kenzie gave me and we planted together on reveal day for Rehvyn wasn’t coming up because Kimmy’s has been up for a while and I had no sign of it, then they dug all the clay off the top of the garden, and then the guys moved the stepping stones, so didn’t know if it was under where one was. I wanted all of that done so just thought I would get a start from Kimmy since she has new ones coming up. I was pleasantly surprised today when I saw it coming up. It is special to have mine for sure. |
Another evening picture of an oriole. What a fun day. They didn’t disappoint! |
It was a rainy morning. I got up at 6:20 and went to get my blood test so I would beat the crowd. I was the second one called in. I went to Meijer to get Debbie a birthday card so I could get it in the mail today. I also sent a sympathy card to Sam and Kim, our neighbors because his dad passed away. I picked up an angel food cake, strawberries and cool whip so I could make it for Charlie and Sue. Charlie really liked it when I had one here, and told Bill the next day he sure would like one. I ate breakfast and had a cup of coffee. Bill left to go do the funeral. We both went to the funeral home last night. We had met Butch once, but didn’t really know him. He was only 55. He had the same thing Charlie had and went through the same surgery. He only had about 3 months that he lived after that. Charlie is going on 4 years. So thankful to still have him around!
I moved my summer clothes downstairs and put my sweaters upstairs in the dresser upstairs. When it quit raining, I walked out to check on the fish. I didn’t see them. I got a branch and cleaned out about 6 huge leaves from the Sycamore tree. Then I saw both fish swimming. I decided to put a couple big leaves back in for the fish to go under. I put food in my flat feeder and checked the oranges on the oriole feeder. They were pretty cleaned out. The jelly was just about gone too, so I thought maybe orioles have been coming, but I haven’t been home enough to see them. I was so happy when I looked out and saw two on the feeder. Yay! I also saw my Lily from Kenzie poking through in my flower garden. Yay!
I came in the house and listened to good worship music. I also watched the orioles a lot. Bill called me to let me know the funeral went good and they were going to the gravesite. I took a nap since I was so tired from getting up so early after going to bed so late last night. Kenzie called me and I asked her to turn it into FaceTime so I could see my sweetie Rehvyn. He was so cute and smiley, almost laughing. That made my day too. It was a yay kind of day! Bill got home, but had to leave right away to go pick up Max. When he was leaving, he asked me if they went out to eat, if I wanted to go. I said yes. They called and were going to Lapeer to 5 Guys. I really like that place, but decided to just stay home and eat my left overs from Lucky’s I brought home yesterday. Max was cute and sent me a peanut from there to have. He got one for his mom too. So funny!
I took the angel food cake I made over to Charlie and Sue along with strawberries and cool whip. Meijer had beautiful strawberries for 99 cents. You didn’t have to look for good ones; they were all good. I talked to them out on the porch for a while, then I prayed for Charlie. He is weak and his blood pressure is really low from some medicine they put him on.
I edged the rest of the trim in front of the house. I talked to Melissa while I did it. Then I hauled the branches that fell off the birch tree out to the back wood pile. Some were pretty big. Bill got home and helped carry the last two branches for me. I was trying to get it done for him because I knew he had a busy day. He told me Charlie was really happy with his cake and texted him how yummy it was. Bill thanked me for making him a cake too. It was a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. He was happy. He didn’t want an angel food cake, because he likes regular cake better.
Talked with Vikki and Kimmy each for a while. Vikki is painting her goose and Kimmy touched up her goose. Kimmy showed me pictures of her ducks. They are growing fast.