Monday, February 11, 2019

2/10/19..Went to Bethlehem to hear Hailey and Ally sing for worship. Went to our church, Went to Marie's.

Amy texted me and told me I didn't need to come to Marie's until noon.  I got to go hear Hailey and Ally help lead worship at Bethlehem.  They did great.  The sermon was really good too!  I left and got to our church two minutes late.  It was hard to find a parking spot.  The church was packed.  Isaac came and sat by Bill and I until he went to Sunday School.  Our worship was amazing and it was a great message too.  I left a few minutes early so I could get gas and pick up something to eat and make it to Marie's on time.  When I got there Amy had a ham going in the Smart Pot. She made chicken and I made bean soup with the ham.  We froze some stew and some bean soup so Marie and Roy would have meal size portions in the freezer.  We also did some laundry for them.  Amy left and I helped Marie with what she needed and also organized her freezer in the basement and wrote down what she had in it for her.  We ate chicken and noodles and then had bean soup later.  Didn't sleep real good because I slept in the bed next to Marie's hospital bed.  She kept the big light on and the TV so I didn't sleep real well.

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