Friday, February 1, 2019

2/1/19....Walked at SportsZone, Got groceries, Kimmy and the boys came over, Went to George and Linda's

Me walking at the SportsZone.  Bill took my picture so I could tag Pastor Ken for our church Swag contest.  The guy in the turquoise behind us, caught up to us and told us he was in the picture.  Bill told him he wanted walkers in the picture.  The guy ended up walking with us a few laps.  We found out he was the principal of Carrolton Elementary.  I asked him if he knew Rody and he did.  He told us how great Rody was doing and what a good worker he was.  He also said he had the right personality for the job.  Bill asked him if he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior and he said yes.  He goes to Hopevale Church.  

This squirrel wouldn't give up trying to get food out of my squirrel proof feeder. He would hang by one foot and eat.  If he puts his weight on it, it will close off.  He sure spent a lot of time trying.  He got some, but it was slow going.  I am going to hand it out farther on the limb and lower it so he can't hang on to the branch.  I'm on a mission!



Peyton, Isaac, Eli, Jacob and Adam

AdamSomeone got my camera and took some silly selfies!  Love this cute boy!

Bill and I walked 2 miles at SportsZone.  We came home and had oatmeal and toast and then I left to go grocery shopping for the Super Bowl.  I got home and Kimmy and the boys got there right after I carried the groceries in.  They helped me put the groceries away and were such great helpers.  Made the job easy.  Kimmy is always a wonderful help, and she sure has trained her boys to do the same.  What blessings they are.  Thank you Kimmy, Jacob, Adam, and Eli.  I love and appreciate all of you!
The boys played Mario Kart while Kimmy and I visited and I showed her my new blow dryer.  Jacob, Kimmy, Bill and I played 3-13.  Kimmy beat me by 1 point and was the winner.  Bill and Jacob had lots of points so the girls won!  We took a break for a while and Kimmy tried to get a pop up off from my computer.  We played 3-13 again.  Kimmy won again.  I came in second, then Jacob and Bill.  Bill was up there in points pretty high again.  Adam took the score sheet before Papa could rip it up.  Bill tried to get it from him, but Adam passed it to Kimmy.  We sure had fun....well I don'k know about Bill ha ha.  Vikki brought Peyton and Isaac over for me to watch while she helped Misty surprise her mom and clean the house she just bought.  Vikki won an Air Cooker today and Rody won a phone.  Guess it was their day.  Rody picked the kids up.  Kimmy and the boys left after that so they would get home before dark.  Bill and I ate Vegetable Soup.  I cleaned the kernel burner out and vacuumed it really good.  We went to George and Linda's so Bill could get some Marine Corp. League stuff from him.  We had a nice visit and had peach pie and ice cream.  Came home and started the kernel burner and watched the news.

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