Thursday, February 28, 2019

2/26/19...Went to breakfast, Picked grandkids up from school, Melissa and Bruce left for NY, Went to care group for an hour

Went to breakfast.  Went home and cleaned the house and got ready for care group.  I made goulash for Bill and some to take to have for dinner with the kiddo's.  Melissa and Bruce left for Rochester, N.Y. so she could go to a teaching hospital and see a specialist for her disease.  I picked Max, Jack and Evan up from school.  We went to their house, and they had a snack and relaxed for a little bit, before starting their homework.  I studied spelling with them and their memory verse.  They were all good at doing their homework.  Melissa and Bruce got to New York safely.  Praise the Lord!  They face timed the kids.  I had to go to Care Group at our house, but only went for the hour of study time.
Left right away after, so I could get back to the kids.  Hailey is a big help with watching them for me. She had them all in bed when I got home.  I cleaned up around the house, did some laundry and went to bed. Packed lunches for the boys.  Hailey packs her own lunch.  She is amazing she's so responsible and helpful.  Set my alarm for 5:30 a.m to get up before the kids.  Love these grandkids so much!  I will say though, Melissa and Bruce are busy busy busy parents.  I am appreciating being retired so much.  No wonder we have our kids when we are young.

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