Friday, February 22, 2019

2/22/19...Stayed at Marie's until 10:15 a.m., Came home for a while, Went to Melissa's, Out to eat at Turkey Roost with Charlie and Sue, Played Euchre

Cute cousin picture of Maddie and Kenzie

Got up at 7, got ready and spent time with the Lord.  We ate oatmeal for breakfast.  At 10:15 Marie's sister in law came over to stay with her.  I left and came home and unpacked.  I watched the news and then went to Melissa's.  Helped her do some dusting since her in laws might be coming tomorrow and she has so much going on with getting ready to go to New York.  Vikki stopped over after she was done at work.  We went through some old pictures and had fun together.  After Vikki left, Bill called me and wanted me to go home and get ready to go out to the Turkey Roost with Charlie and Sue for perch.  I finished the room I was on, and left to go home and get ready.  Bill got home shortly after I got there.  We got ready and Charlie and Sue picked us up.  We had to wait outside in line for a few minutes, but got inside and sat at a table pretty quickly.  The perch was big and super delicious.  Cooked just right.  Got baked potato, coleslaw and rolls too.  Left there and came home and played Euchre.  Bill and I won all four games.  Guess you might say it was our night.  Watched a Hallmark movie.

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