Wednesday, February 13, 2019

8.1 total inches of snow now. Went to doctor with Marie, Had ice cream with Bill and Sabrina

I planted my Amaryllis from Debbie yesterday
Lots of snow out there and lots of birds
Lots of wind too....the flag if whipping and the snow is blowing
Bill got up early and went to the SportsZone to play cards and walk.  I don't go as early, so didn't want to drive on the bad roads.  I put the dried strawberries in containers and did laundry.   I was going to walk my two miles in the basement, but Marie called and she and Doug were heading here to pick me up to go to the Dr. with her.  She is changing to Dr. Stevenson who is Melissa and Bruce's doctor.  I went in with her to help her remember what the dr. said.  Doug wheeled her back for me and then took the wheelchair and waited in the waiting room.  The doctor was so nice and caring.  We both liked him.  He also told her she was taking the same medicine, only different names for heartburn and that doing that could cause kidney failure.  He took her off one and added another that works in a different way and is safe to take with the one she is on now. 
Bill had the driveway all cleaned off by the time Marie and Doug came.  He does a great job keeping up with this snow and ice.   In the evening, we took stuff and dropped it off at Bill and Sabrina's for the Faith Riders Meeting tomorrow night.  We are going to a Valentine's Dance so Bill is covering for my Bill at the meeting.  They met us at Tony's afterward and we had ice cream and a great visit with them.

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