Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2/6/19...Woke up to ice all over, No school for any of the grandkids, Vikki and the kids came over

It was pretty icy outside when I woke up this morning. 

Started decorating bags for my friend Vikki to donate to a school for lunches for kids
Isaac and Peyton were good helpers

Bill went to the SportsZone to walk today, but I stayed home because I didn't want to go on the icy roads.  After my time with the Lord, I started decorating bags for meals for kids.  I talked to Vikki and she asked me if I wanted her to come help.  I told her to come the main roads, because they were good by that time.  We ate lunch and had the snacks from the other day that we didn't get to eat because we were too full.  She hadn't seen the State of the Union Address, so we watched it.  She loved it too.  We worked on decorating bags after that.  Peyton and Isaac drawing pictures on the bags and coloring them.  Bill and I watched a movie in the evening.  I read some on my book.

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