Friday, January 17, 2020

Fri.,1/17/20, Ate breakfast with everyone in CMA at the hotel. Went to the church and spent the whole day there. Vikki found a beautiful king size metal bed frame and picked it up for me.

Bed frame Vikki picked up for me....Cute girl on that bed too!
Me sitting and my prayer partner for 2020,Jamie, standing next to me.
Dad's prayer partner, Jamie's husband Mark standing in the row ahead of me.  He did the sound for the entire weekend.

The Iowa worship team was amazing!  They sang Waymaker and other beautiful worship songs

Bill and Jeff walking to our vehicle after we were done at the church.  The ground was bare when we got there in the morning.  It was -7 degrees and very windy

Jacob front middle, first person to the left

Jacob front row, second person to the left of Mr. Shepherd

Fifth chair from left...looking very handsome 
Mr. Shepherd's father was the guest director

Jacob's band played in Grand Rapids today.  I sure wish I could have been there for it.  Kimmy sent me videos and pictures and they sure sounded great.  Jacob looked as handsome as can be.  He did great!  I am so proud of him.
No snow when we looked out our hotel window this morning.  Went down and had  a yummy breakfast. Sat with Bev and Ron.  Went to the church at 8:30.  We had great snacks and a delicious lunch...homemade vegetable soup and salad with lots of toppings to choose from.  It started snowing and we got about 5 inches before we left at 8:30. That night.  
Great speakers and teaching.  We had roast beef, huge baked potatoes and salad for dinner.  Very delicious.  Vikki found a beautiful metal headboard for the king size bed upstairs.  Then she took my jar of change in and got the money for it, used our truck to pick it up, and even called Rody to set it up with her.  Never expected that.  So sweet of them.  I love the picture she sent of it.

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