Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tues,1/21/2020..went to our breakfast, Picked Royce Grandsons up from school, had small group

Max, Jack and Evan.  I picked them up from school and when we went in their house, they said, "aren't you going to take a picture Nana".  Then they took their coats off and lined up for me to take one.  Sure do love these cute and sweet grandsons.  
Got this sweet card from my Best Friend today!   What a blessing she is from the Lord.
We've been friends for 50 years and are sisters in our hearts!  She made this card for me!

Went to our breakfast.  Eight of us there today.  Wes and Gayla were happy with the magazine we got them telling about the history of CMA with lots of pictures.  After breakfast, I went to Melissa's to visit for a while.  Always love my visits with her.  I stopped at Kroger after that and saw that they had the Game, Ticket to Ride on Sale.  I got two of them.  Now Kimmy can keep the one they have for their family and Melissa has one for her family.  When Peyton and Isaac learn how to play, I will get Vikki one for her family.  I have one here so will have to practice up.  Kimmy and her family have been playing every night.  Yikes, I will be in trouble when I play them.  Bill went up and saw Luke H. and then visited with Don's family while he was in surgery for a knee replacement. I came home, read my Bible, and cleaned some.  Got things ready for Small Group tonight. Elaine called me, and Cheryl called me.  They are such nice friends.  Called Marie and found out she is feeling better.  Roy started his heart therapy today.  I picked Max, Jack and Evan up from school.  I decided it should be "shake" day since I hadn't seen them for a while and it was so nice out.  They were so happy!  They all got chocolate shakes, and I got a Mocha Frappe'. They were so sweet and thanked me right away.  They were excited to find out the Ticket to Ride game in the back of my car was for their family.  They were really cute and funny when I got to their house.  I wrote about it under their picture. We had 8 of us for care group tonight.  Good Bible Study! 

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