Monday, January 6, 2020

Mon.,1/6/20, Walked 2 and 1/2 miles, Cold and windy morning,

I walked 2 and 1/2 miles.  Praying Bill starts walking again as it is so much healthier for him.  It's hard when you get out of the habit.  He took the Christmas tree downstairs and I vacuumed all of the needles that fell off from it and all the other garland we had used for decorations.   Cleaned the house and it sure feels good to have it done.  Bill went to Trinity Rider's Chapter meeting and wanted me to go, but I have something going on every night this week so just wanted to stay home and relax.  I had to call people on our small group list and let them know we start back tomorrow night.  Some I haven't met, so wanted to contact them before they came tomorrow night.  I talked to Melissa today to catch up with her, and also got calls from Peyton and Isaac letting me know they had blogs now.  Talked to Vikki too.  Got on and checked out their blogs and left them comments.  Cute kiddos!  Adam sent me a text letting me know he was home from school.  He said played Ticket to ride today and came in second.  Love that he sends me texts.  Started reading my book for this small group season's lessons.  Don't have to do a lesson until next week.  Drank some hot tea I got at the Mennonite store and is is so good.

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