Saturday, September 12, 2020

Friday,9/11/2020, Remembering 9-11, Started working on closing pool, Walked

            Geese flying over on our walk
Remembering 9-11 and what a sad day it was.  Also remember our country uniting together and lots of people turning to God.  I remember that day so well.  I was up and starting to get some things done when my mom called and told me one of the Twin Towers had been hit by a plane.  I turned the television on just as the second plane was flying into the tower.  They knew it was no accident then.  The Pentagon got hit by another plane and by that time I had gone downstairs to wake Bill up.  We slept in the bedroom in the basement and he was still sleeping.  He got up and we watched the day unfold as another plane went down in Pennsylvania.  Those brave people laid their lives down and overtook the hijackers so they wouldn’t fly the plane into another building.  It was unbelievable that this could happen on American soil.  Terrorists were behind it.  Lots of fear and lots of change in our country.  Also, lots of people helping others, praying for others, calling on God and uniting together as Americans!
Today we started closing our pool.  Bill disconnected the steps and I vacuumed the pool.  Some leaves but not a whole lot. The vacuum picked them up easily.  The water was crystal clear and when we took it in for them to test he said it was perfect.  We got the chemicals we need to close it.
Got coney dogs from Old Town to go.  Too late to do the pool when we got home.  Will do it when we get home from Sandusky tomorrow. We went for a walk down our road to get our steps.  Saw and heard lots of geese.  Had ice cream when we got home.


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