Sunday, September 6, 2020

Mon, 9/7/2020, Went to CMA Service, Packed up, Left BayShore, Celebrated Peyton and Isaac's 9th Birthday, Picked pumpkins

Bill driving ahead of me when we were taking the golf cart back
Me and Bill in the golf cart
On the way home, Bill was under the Welcome CMA sign in town and I was following him in the truck

I got up and packed some stuff to go home.  We went to worship and then devotion time at 9 a.m. It was on Pilgrim's Progress and the Word.  Bill took the golf cart and he and Wes picked up all the garbage.  Gayla and I packed the last minute stuff and put the slide outs in.  Our National Evangelists, Jay and Jane came by to say goodbye and let us know someone took their golf cart from in from of their cabin.  Bill and I went in our golf cart to search for it.  We found it and he drove ours and I drove the other one back so we could drop ours off.  A camp worker's golf cart died, so he took the missing one while he
charged it.  Weird because you would at least think he would ask them first.
Bill got a call from Pastor Jeff at our church.  He said they might want Bill to pray before President Trump speaks at the airport in Freeland on the 10th.  He wanted Bill's approval.  What an honor that would be.  Bill was sure happy to get that call. We left BayShore and Bill went ahead of me on the Motorcycle and I followed pulling the 5th wheel.  We got home, parked the camper, and brought a couple of things in the house.  I went right upstairs and looked at the rooms they changed around for me.  They look so nice. Amazing to me that they got all that done!  I didn't even think the one bedroom could be changed around.  I talked to Vikki, and they are all coming over at 6 so we can celebrate Peyton and Isaac's birthdays.  Can't wait!  Bill and I and then left with the truck to go pick up the dump tank to bring to our house so Bill can take it back in the morning.  We stopped for ice cream in Sebewaing.  YUM!  Then we got turkey, potatoes, corn, (and I got cranberries and dressing) at the Turkey Roost.Vikki and Peyton were waiting on the porch when we got home and Peyton was playing with her Kinetic sand.  Nice how it's not messy.  Rody and Isaac got her in a little bit and we all sang to the kiddos and then ate cupcakes which were really good.  The kids opened their gifts and were really excited.  They are spending the night because Vikki has to work early in the morning.  They were so fun to watch with their birthday gifts.  Isaac got an electric safe and put all of his other birthday gifts inside it.  He kept telling me he loved it and showing me how it worked with a combination and with a key.  He was so cute.  Peyton kept telling me how much she loved her move Barbie and showed me some cute poses.  She had her lego set put together before bed.  She worked on it while I had to unload the camper because it's supposed to rain tomorrow.  When I came in, she wanted me to watch one full house with her.  I sure love these kiddos.  We read the pop up Bible and they did the pop ups for me.  Isaac showed me how his projector works on the wall which was fun.  They both prayed AMAZING PRAYERS!  Then I prayed and tucked them in.  I came downstairs and did my blog.

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