Saturday, September 3, 2022

Sat., 9/3/22, CMA State Rally and 2nd Annual Block party..Everything went great!


It was a beautiful day, but very hot and humid.  God took the rain out of the forecast for when the Street Party was going on.  So thankful.  Bill has done an amazing job setting everything up and organizing the Street Party and State Rally.  He has worked so hard and asked God to help him do this.  It turned out so good today.  I am so thankful for him and proud of him.  

We went out at 830 and started setting things up.   Bill drove the golf cart and helped everyone find their spot and get what the needed.  I helped set up for our Bake Sale for Run for the Son and set up the face printing table for Nancy, who volunteered to do it for us last night after prayer.  We were so thankful to get someone as the kids really love having their face painted. I set a chair up at Kimmy and Jared's spot to save it for them.  Bill ended up moving them down a couple of spots though.  They set up the popcorn and snow cone machine next to them and did that for us too.  They were all amazing, because they had to take care of their own pottery table too.  Vikki picked up all the faceprinting stuff and brought it to me.  She was an amazing blessing too and so was everyone else...the kids all helped, and Rody took pictures.  We did really good at the bake sale.  Peyton came down and talked to me lots and she helped me make a sign for the snow cone and popcorn machine. We had a chance to pray for healing for people who were coming to the bake sale too.  Our CMA people had a motorcycle parade at 3.  It was hot out, but it felt cool riding.  We really only had one stop because the Police blocked busy intersections for us.  We saw Bubba and Debbie at their booth at Akron.  She had cancer really bad, but sure looked amazing now.  I told her I had been praying for her lots and she said that is why she got well.  It's because of all the prayer.   We had a chance to pray for Paul who was having hip pain.  When we came back, it was looking like rain.  It said it was supposed to start at 6.  We all hurried and we tried to help Kimmy and Jared get packed up.  They are pretty fast packers with those boys helping too.  Melissa, Hailey, Jack and Evan had got there while we were on the ride.  They shad left, but when they saw us go by, they turned around to come give us a hug and say hi.  That sure made me happy and made my day.  They had to leave right away.  I wanted them to get home before it started raining hard because Hailey was driving.  The kids all were happy to see Hailey and all of us adults were too.  I got extra hugs from her to last me.  Jacob, Bill, Vikki, Adam, Peyton and I had chili.  The rest were still full.  We hung out in the camper for a while while Kimmy and Vikki and some of the kids rode the golf cart around.  I'm glad everyone enjoyed the day even though it was hot and sunny and very humid.  It was very busy, but so much fun too. We went to the church service at 6:45.  Kleen Slate was doing the worship and it was amazing.  They are doing a free youth concert tomorrow night.  I can't wait to hear them.  It was raining when we came out, so we came back to the camper and I got a towel and went back and dried the golf cart off and brought it back.  Bill was super tired after the busy day he had helping everyone.  We will sleep good tonight.

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