Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wed., 6/14/23, Kimmy and Vikki came to spend the day, We worked on graduation candy dishes, sat outside, kids swam, worked on some yard projects

Vikki, Kenzie, me and Kimmy working on graduation hat snack cups for Jacob's graduation party

Eli and Kenzie eating snacks and spending time with Kit Kat and each other
When I had them look
Me and Peyton with our drumsticks on the swing
Always love seeing my woodpecker.
Eli and Isaac deciding what to do for the picture
This is what they came up with
Gross Beak and cardinal eating on the ground

I went to Walmart to pick up what I needed for the graduation snack cups for Jacob's party.
Kimmy, Vikki, Eli, Peyton and Isaac came over after Eli's dentist appt.  Kenzie came shortly after.  We girls all worked on the graduation snack cups. I had seen them at a graduation about 5 years ago and saved one because it was so cute.  This year I showed them to Kimmy and she liked them so we made 100 of them up.  We made black caps with gold tassels.  I will have to post a picture tomorrow because I thought Vikki was sending me the one she took, but she didn't.  After that, Kenzie took Eli and Isaac to the Guitar store for a little while with her.  She picked some treats up for them while they were out.  Bill, Vikki, Kimmy and I had sandwiches.  I made pizza which was ready when the kids got home.  Peyton had some too.  
We all had drumsticks, but Isaac, Eli and Kenzie.  We went outside to eat those.  I wanted to show Vikki my Spearmint plant, and was going to get it, but Eli said no Nana, I will get it and he got right up and got it and showed Vikki.  He is such a great kid, always looking out for me.  Eli picked up all the plates from our lunch when we ate outside too and wouldn't let me.  Kimmy was cold inside (she doesn't get cold very often, but she sure was cold today.) It was in the 70's outside so it was hot in the sun and just right in the shade.  Kimmy and Vikki moved the swing into the sun to warm up.  I sat in the shade because it was just right for me.  The kids swam a couple of times, and Eli and Isaac had fun throwing the football in the pool.  After they got out, Peyton, Isaac and Eli threw the football back and forth with each other.  Kimmy worked in my new flower garden area.  She moved the stepping stones and did lots of shoveling and working the soil.  It looks amazing.  She sure worked hard though.  Vikki, Eli and I worked under the tree.  We put stepping stones in there for the kids when they walk in it so they don't ruin my plants.  Eli carried all of the stepping stones for us.  He wouldn't let me do anything hard.  He said he would do it.  We visited more til Vikki had to take Peyton, Isaac and Eli to youth group at our church. Then she and Rody were going on a date while they were there.  Kimmy left right after Vikki did.  She is coming again tomorrow because Eli is spending the night at Vikki's.  I talked with Melissa today and texted with Jacob and Bruce.  Finally planted my beets and sunflowers tonight.  Watered the garden good as it was getting dry again and I wanted my newly planted seeds to do good.  Relaxed with Bill in the evening.


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