Thursday, March 3, 2016

3/3/16.....Kimmy and Vikki came over.....I went to Max and Jack's spelling Bee

Peyton playing with Barbies

Isaac with the train


Peyton loves playing with the dog



Daniel and Evan being silly

Jack in the Spelling Bee

Max in the Spelling Bee

Mocha looks so cute after her bath and Haircut!  Thank you Kimmy.  Thank you, Vikki for blow drying her.  I appreciate you girls doing that for me.

Kimmy came this morning.  She looked on line and fixed the trigger on my shampooer.  She even drilled holes....she is amazing.  It works great again.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over too.  They brought Lennox and he sure was a good puppy.  No accidents!  Vikki made a toy for him and fell asleep right next to it.  Kimmy gave Mocha a nice hair cut and trimmed her nails.  Then she fixed my remote key for my car.  She saw a screw was missing so she tried a lot of screws and found one that fit but was too long.  It seemed to work otherwise.  We had salad with chicken on it for lunch.  I had to leave at 1 to go to Max and Jack's Spelling Bee.  I was glad I was there.  They did good and it's such a great experience for them to get up in front of all those people.  I was one proud nana.
I decided to go to the mall when I was finished.  I walked from Penney's to Sears and then back to Penney's where I had parked.  When I got in my car, I noticed the inside of my remote key missing. The screw was still in there but the insides had fallen out.  Well of course the key didn't work with the inside remote missing.  I tried to call Bill but no answer. Then I tried to call Vikki, but no answer.  I finally got Bill and he said he would head to the Mall with his key.  I went back in the mall and walked as fast as I could backtracking where I was.  I thought maybe it fell out in the bathroom at Sears because that's the only place I had taken the keys out of my coat pocket and put them in my purse pocket so they wouldn't fall in the toilet.  Well when I got back there I didn't find them.  Went all the way back to Penney's and still didn't find them.  I called Melissa and asked her to pray.  I went out to my car and looked underneath it but didn't find it.  Then I started looking all over the car and found it between the seat and the middle of the car.  I was so happy and thankful.
Bill got there right after and gave me his key since mine wouldn't work because the part wouldn't stay in.  I sure got my steps.  Came home and fixed a salad and chicken sandwich.  At 6:30 we left to go to Bill and Sabrina's for our Officer's meeting for Faith Riders.  Didn't get home till 10:30.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

I feel so bad I didn't answer...and I was right across the street! :/