Tuesday, December 18, 2018

12/18/18..Went to breakfast, took Melissa to therapy, Made cookies, Went to Wes and Gaylas for dinner and to visit with Louise and Holly

I got home from dropping Melissa off at therapy and was going to make cookies.  I got the sugar out and there wasn't enough.  I prayed and started hunting for sugar in sugar bowls.  They were all empty.  Then I found packs of sugar in the cupboard.  There was just enough to make the cup I needed.  Yay God! So thankful He provided.  I didn't have time to go to the store because I had to get back to pick Melissa up.  

Holly, Louise, Wes, Gayla and Bill playing 3-13

Our Christmas lights!

We went to breakfast at Sullivans.  I left at 9 to go pick Melissa up.  Took her to therapy and then came home and made Christmas Cookies.  I was so happy to find enough sugar to be able to make a batch.  Went back to pick Melissa up.  We had coney dogs from Old Town Drive In.  I had coupons and Tuesday's they have them on sale.  We went back to Melissa's to eat.  I went to Olie's and then to Krogers.  Got more sugar, butter, and flour to make cookies.  Had a $5 off coupon so that was nice.  Came home and made one more batch of cookies so Vikki and Kenzie could have their decorating get together.  I can't make it to help, so just baked the cookies. Went to Wes and Gayla's for dinner. Louise and Holly were there, because Louise has a heart dr. appt. tomorrow.   We visited and played 3-13.  Bill was the winner.  It was so nice spending time with them.  I got a Christmas card last night.  The envelope was addressed to Aunt Penny and family.  I opened it and it said, Hi, I got remarried.  Hope you are all doing well, Love ya.  It was from Mandy, Alex and Ahmeh.  It made my heart sad.  Vikki (she's so much like Grandma Daisy) called Tammy today to find out what happened as we haven't heard anything from Mark or his mom.  She got Mark's number and I texted him.  He's doing ok.  I was happy to hear from him.  Sure am praying for him and his family.

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